We purchased 15 lbs. of tomatoes and turned them into 3 lbs. of condensed and delicious sauce. It's certainly a good way to get proficient at peeling and deseeding. One big tip I can offer:
- It's a lot faster to deseed a tomato if you cut it across its "equator", rather than lengthwise. The reason being that the cell walls between the seed sacs run up and down the tomato, so cutting with the walls means you have to break through them with your finger. Cutting the other way means you've got access to all the seeds at once.
Normally I don't salt the tomatoes when they're being roasted, but I gave it a shot this time. The idea being that the salt would help draw out the moisture more quickly from the tomatoes, letting it get down to the business of caramelizing more quickly. We let these sit in a low oven (about 250 degrees Fahrenheit) for about 4.5 hours, so I can't say if it really helped that much. It did translate into less salt later in the process, but if too much salt were added, you might be in trouble down the road.

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